About Us


I’ve always liked to shop ’til I drop. I’ve always been a bargain shopper. I’ve always loved the thrill of the hunt. I’ve always gotten excited when I found that special something. I’ve always loved gift giving and finding the perfect present for someone. After being a hairstylist for over 30 years and listening to people stress out about what to get and give their friends, family, or coworkers, I thought, “I have a solution! I can be your personal gift shopper!” Buying gifts and making baskets allows me to use my creativity, thriftiness, organizational skills, and above all else, help others.


Sometimes, people are at a loss as to what to give someone for a special occasion. Sometimes, they don’t have the time to run around and get a gift. Sometimes, it’s stressful. Sometimes, people flat out just don’t like to shop. That’s where I come in. You don’t have to worry or stress any more! I do all the legwork, from planning, buying, designing, and wrapping. Whether you collaborate with me, or whether you choose one of my original in stock baskets, I take the guesswork and anxiety out of gift giving.


The best part is that your bag, box or basket won’t be a generic gift. Each one is out of the ordinary and unique, filled with awesome quality items personalized just for them. It’s also thoughtful, because it can be personalized if you choose to provide me with info such as a theme, a color scheme, and a vibe that your recipient will like and can relate to. Your input is an important part of creating the perfect gift for someone.


If you’re short on time, or you don’t know your recipient all that well, check out my pre-made gifts. Don’t worry…they’re each one-of-a-kind, too! If you see a ready-made basket that you like, but it has an item, or two, you’re not crazy about, you can contact me to make an adjustment or substitution. The original price may change, but I’ll do my best to create the perfect gift for you.


Do you have a preferred color scheme? Do you want to give/include your own card? Do you want me to include a card? If so, what would you like your message to say? Would you like to pick it up, so you can give it to the person yourself, or would you like it delivered?